Per NY State Health Law Article 4A, no one under 18 years old can be pierced without written consent from a parent or legal guardian. There is a specific form the state requires for this consent, and it must be completed in the presence of the artist or shop owner.
We also have to sign this form, stating that we verified that a parent or legal guardian signed the form. To verify that, we require Photo ID for the parent/guardian and the minor, along with proof of guardianship.
Photo ID for the minor can be Government issued ID of any kind, School ID (physical or digital), or Safe Child ID.
Social Security Cards and Birth Certificates do not count as photo ID, as there is no photo on them.
Proof of guardianship can be a Birth Certificate, Custody Papers, or School documents showing the relationship. Grandparents, Aunts / Uncles, and/or adult siblings / friends cannot give consent unless they have legal guardianship and can prove it.
No service of any kind that requires disrobing will be performed for a minor under any circumstance.
We will not pierce anyone that cannot convey to us that they are a willing participant, so that means no infants. Although toddlers and very young children can often verbalize the desire to be pierced, we ask you to wait until they are at least 5.
We limit our piercing services to Ear Lobes Only for minors aged 5-12. Ran is our artist who specializes in piercing very young children's ears, but their schedule can be tight as they tattoo full time as well.
At 12 we begin to offer basic ear cartilage piercings to kids who are "experienced" with piercing - we ask that they at least have healed a set of earlobe piercings first.
At 16 most piercings are available, excluding surface piercings / microdermals and "adult" piercings.
Any piercing requires proper anatomy and maturity, so there may be cases where we have to be more restrictive than our written policy appears.